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The HYPOP project will be featured at the upcoming Fueling Tomorrow conference, a major event focused on transforming fuels and adopting new energy vectors in the transportation and hard-to-abate industrial sectors.

On October 10th from 15:30-17:30, HYPOP will participate in a workshop organized in collaboration with H2IT – Italian Hydrogen Association titled “Hydrogen Refueling Stations – From European Practices to the Italian Situation” (Blue Room, Hall 22).

The workshop will examine Italy’s plans to develop a network of 40 hydrogen refueling stations by 2026 through PNRR investments. It will also discuss the new AFIR regulation requiring EU member states to install hydrogen stations every 200 km along TEN-T networks and in every urban node by 2030.

While these initiatives have spurred new projects, significant uncertainties remain around financing needs and regulatory gaps. H2IT and the HYPOP Project will provide an overview of the current situation in Italy, comparing the national approach to European visions and plans.

The main goal is to share valuable information with companies looking to develop projects, citizens wanting to learn more about the technology, and institutions that need to be made aware of current challenges. By addressing these issues, the aim is to accelerate progress towards European infrastructure and decarbonization targets.

This workshop provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest developments in hydrogen refueling infrastructure and connect with key stakeholders. We encourage all those interested in sustainable transportation to attend this important session at Fueling Tomorrow.

For more information, please check the agenda of the event or contact


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