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On November 15 and 16, 2023, the Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (JU) has organized the EU Hydrogen Research Days, a series of online events that aim to shine a light on the progress of projects funded under this programme.

These events are held in the autumn of every year, and present the advancements of hydrogen projects, and also of other EU research programmes. The goal is to identify key achievements and potential areas to be addressed or reinforced in the future.

The EU Hydrogen Research Days provide visibility to projects and technological developments achieved in the sector, and helps stakeholders and participants in networking, exchanging ideas, and sharing best practices. Plus, they facilitates discourse among the wider scientific community, encouraging feedback and opinions on the Clean Hydrogen JU programme.

Finally, participants will be able to vote on a series of categories to assign annual awards to projects that have achieved a successful collaboration between research, industry and policy makers, such as:

  • The European H2 Valley Award
  • The Best Success Story Award
  • The Best Outreach Award
  • The Best Innovation Awards

You can find more information about the online events program here:,the%2015%20and%2016%20November

And you can register for the different EU Hydrogen Research Days sessions here:

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