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Hello there,

This is the HYPOPHYdrogen Public Opinion and acceptance- project! Nice to see you on our website!

We are a project co-funded by the European Union and supported by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and its members, Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research.
Our aim is to raise public awareness and trust on hydrogen technologies and their uses, but how?
By developing guidelines and good practices that will help citizens, consumers, and stakeholders understand how they can be involved in the implementation of these technologies.
The HYPOP project also envisions the creation of a web platform that will become a collection hub for materials related to hydrogen technologies, from early findings to engagement activities!

You may ask yourself: who is behind HYPOP?

Our Consortium is led by the Environment Park Spa (ENVI), an innovation accelerator for business with 20 years’ experience in the hydrogen sector, that coordinates a team of 7 organizations: Institute for Methods Innovation (IMI), Fundacion IMDEA Energia (IMDEA), Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca in Europa (APRE), Centro Nacional Del Hidrogeno  (CNH2), Regionalna Izba Gospodarcza Pomorza (RIGP), Cluster Tweed (CLUSTER TWEED), and Balkanski Vodoroden Klaster (BH2C).

And we are looking for your help!

HYPOP wants to map out how much the public opinion knows and understands about hydrogen technologies, with the final goal of clearing doubts and increasing trust in their use. We want to build a community that offers up-to-date, transparent, and engaging information about hydrogen and its uses.

Sounds good to you?
Follow our website and our social media channels to see what HYPOP is up to!

Be back soon with more news and content!

-HYPOP team

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